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Clinical Trials & Research

Dementia, Parkinson's disease and many other neurological conditions currently have no cure. Our researchers are working hard to change that but they need your help to succeed.

By taking part in clinical trials and research projects, you can help us better understand the brain, improve treatments for disabling conditions and help your loved ones enjoy better brain health in the future. 


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Peripheral Neuropathy

NNI is conducting a study to evaluate corneal nerve changes and biomarkers in patients with peripheral neuropathy.

What the study involves:

  • 1 visit to Singapore National Eye Centre
  • Questionnaires and simple neurological assessment
  • Corneal nerve imaging
  • Tears and blood collection

Who is eligible?

  • Age ≥ 21 years old
  • Neuropathy related to diabetes or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
  • No previous corneal abnormalities, recent eye surgery or infection
  • Not pregnant


Research Coordinator

Click for details



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Neptune Study

NNI is investigating whether smartwatches and mobile apps can help one achieve better treatment effect, to optimise Parkinson's motor symptom control.

Who is eligible?

  • Aged 21 to 85 years old
  • Diagnosed with Primary/Idiopathic Parkinson's
  • Stage 2 or above and is currently on treatment
  • Experience symptoms in the last four weeks
  • Have reasonable vision/hearing (lenses or hearing aid are permitted)
  • Able to provide written informed consent


Marcus Glenn Wong / 6357 2618

Click for details