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Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - What it is

What is chronic ankle instability?


Chronic ankle instability might happen when a person has experienced a severe ankle sprain or had multiple sprains to the same ankle. The ankle muscles and ligaments weaken and the resulting impaired neuromuscular control makes the ankle unstable.

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Symptoms

What does it feel like?

People with chronic ankle instability commonly experience pain at the ankle with increased activity and a tendency for the ankle to sprain on uneven surfaces or with sudden side-way motions.

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - How to prevent?

What can you do?

You can protect the ankle with an ankle support or taping, especially during sports. These measures give proprioceptive feedback to the ankle to decrease recurrent sprains.

You may also need to rest from the activity which causes the recurrent ankle sprain after each repeated sprain.

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Causes and Risk Factors

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Diagnosis

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Treatments

What we can do to help you?

A sports medicine physician can assess the ankle to establish an accurate diagnosis. Pain medications can be prescribed to help with pain and swelling. Physiotherapists can prescribe a full ankle training programme to strengthen the joint as well as neuromuscular re-education to reduce recurrent ankle sprains by improving proprioception.

  • Single leg mini squat
  • Bulgarian squat
  • Star excursion
  • Running man on trampoline
  • Lateral box jump
  • Step ups
  • Forward lunges
  • Single leg ½ squats
  • Single leg chair stands
  • A podiatrist may prescribe or recommend foot orthotics to increase foot stability and with difficult cases, surgery may also be considered.

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Preparing for surgery

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Post-surgery care

Chronic Ankle Sprain and Instability - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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