Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, involves surgical placement of an implant behind each breast to increase its volume and enhance its shape. Alternatively, this increase in breast volume can also be achieved by fat grafting, using excess fat from other areas of your body.
Breast augmentation can help to improve the following problems:• Small underdeveloped breasts• Breast asymmetry (if one breast is much smaller than the other)• Loss of shape and volume following childbirth, weight loss, or ageing
Increasing the fullness and projection of your breasts can improve the proportions of your figure and your ability to wear clothes, leading to greater self-confidence.
Breast augmentation alone cannot correct sagging or droopy breasts. If your breasts are very droopy, a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation, either at the same time, or during a separate operation. Your plastic surgeon will assist you in making this decision.
There are several surgical incisions which can be used to place the implant, the most common being a scar just beneath your breast. The implants may be placed either above or below the chest muscle (pectoralis major). Your surgeon will help you in choosing the most suitable approach based on your existing breast shape.
Breast implants do not impair your health. Multiple international scientific studies have found no link between breast implants and autoimmune or other systemic diseases. However, breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and repeat surgery may be required to replace one or both implants at a later stage. Regular examination of your breasts and implants is important to detect problems early.
Breast volume can be increased by injecting your own fat obtained from other areas of your body such as your tummy, hips and thighs. This fat is harvested by liposuction. Only a limited amount of fat can be injected at one time as the over-grafted fat cannot survive due to the lack of blood supply. If you desire a significant increase in cup size, more than one fat grafting session may be necessary.
As fat is removed from other areas of your body through liposuction, these areas will become slimmer, an added benefit of this procedure.
Dressings and/or bandages will be applied over the incisions. Small tubes (drains) may be placed to remove excess blood and fluid for several days. A support bra may be used to minimize swelling and support your breasts as they heal. If liposuction for fat grafting is performed, a compression garment may be recommended for several weeks to help to control swelling, bruising and pain.
Every year, thousands of women undergo successful breast augmentation surgery without major problems. Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of the possible risks, which include: • Anaesthesia risks• Excess blood accumulation (haematoma)• Excess fluid accumulation (seroma)• Infection, which may require removal of the implants • Poor scarring • Altered nipple or breast sensation• Asymmetry • Incorrect position of the implants• Implant leak or rupture• Painful tight scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)• Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and your plastic surgeon.
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