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Dr Jeanne Tan

Dr Tan Jeanne

​BSc (Hon), PhD (NUS), MD (Duke-NUS), MRCP (UK), SCE (Neurology)


National Neuroscience Institute

Specialty: Neurology

Clinical Interest: General Neurology, Neuroimmunology

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
General Neurology, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder.

Clinical Appointments

  • Consultant Department of Neurology National Neuroscience InstituteNational Neuroscience Institute


​After obtaining her PhD from National University of Singapore (NUS), Dr Tan went on to do her scientific post-doctoral training in National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) Singapore and John-Hopkins (Baltimore, USA) under the supervision of Assoc Prof Lim Kah Leong and Prof Ted Dawson respectively. She then embarked on her Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Duke-NUS and embarked on a career in clinical medicine. She entered junior residency in Internal Medicine and entered Neurology Clinician Scientist (CS) training in 2016. For her CS training, she focused on research in autoimmune encephalitis at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Assoc Prof Sarosh Irani. After obtaining her Neurology clinician scientist specialist accreditation in 2021 and 2022 respectively, she joined NNI as an Associate Consultant in Neurology. She is now a Consultant and runs clinic in general neurology and weekly neuroimmunology clinic at NNI.


  • ​SCE (Neurology)
  • MRCP (UK)
  • MD (Duke-NUS)
  • PhD (NUS)
  • BSc (Hon) (NUS)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • ​Consultant, Department of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute


  • ​SingHealth Publish! Award, 2021
  • NNI Quality Service Award, Silver, 2021
  • NNI ACP Research Paper Award, 2020
  • Outstanding Resident Award, 2017
  • SMA-Lee Foundation Teamsmanship Award, 2011
  • Selected Slide Presentation. Cold Spring Habor Laboratory - The Ubiquitin Family 2007, New York, USA, 2007
  • Singapore Millennium Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2006 - 2008
  • Slide Presentation. Society for Neuroscience Conference (SFN) 2006, Atlanta, USA, 2006
  • Best 3 Posters Award. Kyoto University- NUS International Symposium. Satellite meeting. Bintan, Indonesia, 2005
  • Runner-up poster Prize. 2nd Combined Annual Scientific Meeting. Singapore, 2001
  • NUS Research Scholarship, 1999 - 2003

Research Interests

  • ​Neuroimmunology
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neuroinflammation


  • ​Tng EL, Tan JM. Dexamethasone suppression test versus selective ovarian and adrenal vein catheterization in identifying virilizing tumors in postmenopausal hyperandrogenism - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2021 Jul;37(7):600-608.
  • Melanie Ramberger*, Antonio Berretta*, Jeanne MM Tan*, Bo Sun,Sophia Michael, Tianrong Yeo, Rachael Bashford-Rogers, Sofija Paneva,Victoria O’Dowd, Neesha Dedi, Robert Griffin, Jorge Ramirez-Franco, Oussama El Far, Stéphanie Baulac, Maria I Leite, Arjune Sen, Daniel Anthony, David McMillan,Diane Marshall, Daniel Lightwood, Patrick Waters, Sarosh R Irani. (2020) Distinctive binding properties of human monoclonal LGI1 autoantibodies determine pathogenic mechanisms . Brain 143: 1731-1745 (* Co‐1st authors)
  • Zhiyong Chen, Zheyu Xu, Qianhui Cheng, Yi Jayne Tan, Helen L. Ong, Yi Zhao, Weng Khong Lim, Jing Xian Teo, Jia Nee Foo, Hwei Yee Lee, Jeanne M.M. Tan, Liting Hang, Wai-Yung Yu, Simon K.S. Ting, Eng-King Tan, Tchoyoson C.C. Lim, Adeline S.L. Ng. (2020) Phenotypic bases of NOTCH2NLC GGC expansion positive neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease in a Southeast Asian cohort. Clinical Genetics 1-8
  • Tng EL, Tan JMM. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Stimulation Test Versus Venous Sampling in Postmenopausal Hyperandrogenism. J Endocr Soc. 2020 Nov 5;5
  • Wai-Yung Yu, Zheyu Xu, Hwei-Yee Lee, Aya Tokumaru, Jeanne M. M. Tan, Adeline Ng, Shigeo Murayama, C. C. Tchoyoson Lim. (2019) Identifying patients with neuronal intranucalear inclusion disease (NIID) in Singapore using characteristic diffusion-weighted MR images. Neuroradiology 61(11) 1281-1290
  • Lim GG, Chew KC, Ng XH, Henry-Basil A, Sim RW, Tan JM, Chai C, Lim KL. (2013) Proteasome inhibition promotes Parkin-Ubc13 interaction and lysine 63-linked ubiquitination. PLoS One. 2;8(9)
  • Yeo CW, Ng FS, Chai C, Tan JM, Koh GR, Chong YK, Koh LW, Foong CS, Sandanaraj E, Holbrook JD, Ang BT, Takahashi R, Tang C, Lim KL. (2012) Parkin pathway activation mitigates glioma cell proliferation and predicts patient survival. Cancer Res. 15;72(10):2543-53
  • Tay SP, Yeo CW, Chai C, Chua PJ, Tan HM, Ang AX, Yip DL, Sung JX, Tan PH, Bay BH, Wong SH, Tang C, Tan JM*, Lim KL*. (2010) Parkin enhances the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 6 and negatively regulates the proliferation of breast cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 285(38):29231-8. (* Co‐corresponding authors)
  • Tan JM, Wong ES, Lim KL. Protein Misfolding and Aggregation in Parkinson Disease. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2009 Sep;11(9):2119-34.
  • Wong ES, Tan JM, Soong WE, Hussein K, Nukina N, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Cuervo AM, Lim KL. (2008) Autophagy‐mediated clearance of aggresomes is not a universal phenomenon. Hum Mol. Genet. 15;17(16):2570-82.
  • Tan JM., Wong E.S.P., Kirkpatrick D.S., Pletnikova O., Ko H.S., Ho W.L.M., Tay S.P., Troncoso J., Gygi S.P., Lee M.K., Dawson V.L., Dawson T.M., Lim K.L. (2008) Lysine 63‐linked ubiquitination promotes the formation and autophagic clearance of protein inclusions associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 17(3):431‐9
  • Tan JM, Wong ES, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Lim KL. (2007) Lysine 63‐linked polyubiquitin potentially partners with p62 to promote the clearance of protein inclusions by autophagy. Autophagy. 4(2).
  • Wong ES, Tan JM, Wang C, Zhang Z, Tay SP, Zaiden N, Ko HS, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Lim KL. (2007) Relative sensitivity of parkin and other cysteinecontaining enzymes to stress‐induced solubility alterations. J Biol Chem. 282(16):12310‐8.
  • Tan JMM, Chow VT. (2007) Cellular expression, localization and interactions of the product of the human MOST‐1 gene associated with breast and prostate cancers. Int. J Oncol. 30(1):81‐9.
  • Lim KL, Tan JM. Role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in Parkinson's disease. BMC Biochem. 2007 Nov 22;8 Suppl 1:S13. Review.
  • Tan JM, Dawson TM. (2006) Parkin blushed by PINK1. Neuron. 50(4):527‐9.
  • Tan EK, Shen H, Tan JMM, Lim KL, Fook‐Chong S, Hu WP, Paterson MC, Chandran VR, Yew K, Tan C, Yuen Y, Pavanni R, Wong MC, Puvan K, Zhao Y. (2005) Differential expression of splice variant and wild‐type parkin in sporadic Parkinsonʹs disease. Neurogenetics. 6(4):179‐84
  • Wang C#, Tan JMM#, Ho MW, Zaiden N, Wong SH, Chew CL, Eng PW, Lim TM, Dawson TM, Lim KL. (2005) The solubility and intracellular localization of parkin are altered by several familial parkinson’s disease‐linked point mutations. J Neurochem. 93(2):422‐31. (# Co‐first authors)
  • Lim KL, Chew KC, Tan JMM, Wang C, Chung KK, Zhang Y, Tanaka Y, Smith W, Engelender S, Ross CA, Dawson VL, Dawson TM. (2005) Parkin mediates non‐classical, proteasomalindependent, ubiquitination of Synphilin‐1: Implications for Lewy Body formation. J Neurosci. 23;25(8):2002‐9.
  • Yu WP, Tan JMM, Chew KC, Oh T, Kolatkar P, Venkatesh B, Dawson TM, Lim KL. (2005) The 350‐fold compacted Fugu parkin gene is structurally and functionally similar to human Parkin. Gene 14; 346: 97‐104.
  • Lim K.L. and Tan JMM. (2005) Role of parkin in Parkinson’s disease. SGH Proceedings. 14(1) : 5967.
  • Tan JMM., Tock EPC and Chow VTK (2003). The novel human MOST‐1 (C8orf17) gene exhibits tissue specific expression, maps to chromosome 8q24.2, and is overexpressed/amplified in high grade cancers of the breast and prostate. Journal of Clinical Pathology: Molecular Pathology 56:109‐115.

Research Trials